
I am in the process of building this site to share with you all I know. Please bare with me as I finish the site. I would love to reply to each person but I am so busy spreading the healing message I just can’t keep up with the emails. That is why I am building this site and updating my book.

I am sure the information on this site will help you heal your IBD. I also have a health member site where I post health videos every day. I also share resources of people and places to contact to heal your IBD.

If you would like to leave a comment or have a suggestion for this site, please contact me below. I will do my best to read your comment but can not assure I will be able to reply. Please forgive me and understand, I really do care and want to help.

Your healing is in my prayers.


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    Disclaimer: The information in all of Paul Nison’s newsletters, his websites and his emails, is not health advice or a substitute for any doctor visit, treatment or diagnosis. It is only general information of what has worked for Paul Nison and many others to help build the body to heal from poor health conditions. Since every individual case is different, you need to see an expert for individual advice, diagnosis and treatment. The response and other information provided by Paul Nison is his personal opinion and is for educational and research purposes only. If you suffer from a serious illness it is advisable to consult a licensed health care practitioner.

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