But my doctor says there is no known medical cure for IBD. How can doctors have a cure for something when they don’t know the cause? I know the cause and I’ve been privileged to learn the natural cure. According to medical studies and my doctors, the only thing a person with IBD can do to control this disease is to take drugs. That is true. Doctors are in the business of controlling diseases of all types, and they do so with drugs. The problem is the drugs are harmful and have side effects. Even if the drugs control the disease, they do not cure the patient. Just as doctors are in the business of controlling disease, I’m in the business of teaching its natural cure.
My doctor says, if the drugs don’t work, I’ll have to get surgery to remove the infected part of my colon?
That’s just like doctors. If they can’t control it, they say, “Get rid of it.” We need all of our body parts to be as healthy and to stay as healthy as possible. Years ago, surgery used to be a last resort, but now many doctors are using it commonly as a first resort when it comes to IBD and many other diseases. There are many reasons for this, but rest assured, surgery is not needed in most cases of IBD. With the natural IBD cure, you will be 100% well without surgery, or the need to take drugs again. Doctors even go so far as to say, “Sometimes surgery is the ONLY choice.” CRAZY! It’s just the only one they’ve learned in medical school. Doctors are very willing to remove your colon, rectum, and if that happens, the anus must also be removed. You choose: would you rather try a natural cure, or take the doctor’s drugs and eventually have a doctor take out your colon? I am sure nature’s cure is the best of these choices, and it’s the only one that works.
Just to let you know what doctors do to remove the colon or parts of it: they make incisions in the abdomen and the perineum, the area between the anus and the genitals.
Sometimes doctors will call patients lucky if they don’t need a complete removal of the colon and rectum. If the rectum can remain (known as a subtotal colectomy), then the doctor will say it wasn’t bad. If the whole colon and rectum comes out, it is known as a total colectomy. And, sometimes, a subtotal removal can mean the entire colon and most of the rectum comes out.
With many illnesses, doctors will only suggest surgery after medical therapy has failed to control the disease adequately, or if cancer has been found. But many times they jump the gun and cut too soon. It’s different with UC and Crohn’s. Many times they don’t even wait before they cut. It’s not even a wise last resort with issues like Crohn’s because in a case of UC it would completely get rid of the disease, but since Crohn’s disease can occur in other parts of the digestive track, surgery will not assure a patient of a 100% recovery. Surgery for UC involves removing most, or all of the colon. Surgery for Crohn’s disease depends on where in the GI tract the disease occurs. Either way, surgery for IBD is not usually necessary for someone who takes their health in their own hands and corrects their diet and lifestyle!
My doctor says a person with IBD is at a higher risk of developing colon cancer.
That may be true. If continue the lifestyle they’re used to, building the stress level, there will be two choices left: remove the colon, or develop colon cancer.
I’ve read some books about IBD written by medical doctors. In their books, they say things you have found to be bad advice. You call the medical position “crazy.” But they are doctors, and this is serious. What medical background do you have? Why do you think your information is better than theirs?
Many people are scared to stop listening to doctors. That means they would have to take responsibility for their own health, and they couldn’t blame someone when something goes wrong. If you’re listening to a doctor, chances are something will go wrong. I know most advice based on the doctors’ information is not helpful because there are no signs of improvement when this advice is taken. That’s the bottom line; we need and want positive results. My advice based on an understanding of nature, is very different from that of medical doctors, and the results are very different.
There is no medical cure for IBD, yet I have cured myself of it, as have many others, after having discovered a natural healing path. Good results count!
Many people today have closed minds and only listen to what doctors say. Well, most of what doctors say, and the things many of them suggest are very scary to say the least.
If I were to tell someone to do something, I would be questioned because I don’t wear a white coat or have a medical degree. But I do have a degree in results. Not too many doctors can say that. What are results?
Doctors also get results, but the results they get create a challenge to the body. Most doctors want to control disease with drugs; they accomplish that and call it results. I don’t look at controlling a disease as long-lasting results; results to me are curing a disease, and those are the results that I received through a correct understanding of nature.
It’s very scary that people put so much trust in doctors when IBD is a dietary illness. Unfortunately, most American doctors don’t study the connection between diet and illness. Just a few examples of this: I recently read a book about IBD written by a medical doctor, and I still can’t believe my eyes as to what he wrote, but this is no joke. Here’s an excerpt:
“People with IBD often discover that they feel better if they don’t eat. Unfortunately, this worsens the weight loss many patients experience. Some patients mistakenly believe that spicy or greasy food should be avoided, but then their diet becomes boring. This can lead to eating even less food and losing more weight.”
This doctor actually justifies eating spicy and greasy food. If he had any idea about the connection between diet and IBD, he would know that greasy and spicy foods are some of the worst foods, not only for a person with IBD, but for anyone.
In the same book, the doctor spoke about how some people experience relief from symptoms when they go on a liquid diet for a short time. I agree with this. I feel a liquid diet of fresh vegetable juices and blended salads are excellent, but that is not what this doctor was talking about. As I kept reading, I again couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the liquid diet the doctor was suggesting. For a clear fluid diet, he suggests Jell-O, tea with sugar, chicken broth, and beef broth; for a full fluid diet: strained oatmeal with milk and sugar, coffee with sugar and cream, creamed soup and ice cream.
This is some of the worst advice for anyone with IBD, but, then to make matters worse the doctor goes on to say that once the patient stops the liquid diet and goes back to eating a regular diet, it should consist of animal products, milk and candy. It’s no wonder that someone who eats this way will become sick and deficient in nutrients.
Doctors who put people on this type of diet as they usually do, will also suggest a meal replacement shake or drink as a supplement. The answer to getting what we’re missing in our diet is not in a supplement drink. Eating a high-quality diet is the answer.
Not only do doctors suggest a diet of very low-quality food, but then they suggest low-quality nutritional products and drinks filled with dairy, sugar, corn syrup, fat from corn oil, and other harmful products. What doctors are telling people to do is just crazy.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: that it’s just this one doctor who wrote a certain book that is giving bad advice, and not all medical doctors are that bad. Most of them are! When it comes to nutrition and IBD, most medical doctors will suggest the same things that I’ve quoted above.
Of all the crazy things you’ve heard, what was the craziest treatment for IBD?
I’ve read some pretty bad nutritional advise about how to handle IBD, but the worst I’ve read comes from another book written by another medical doctor. The doctor was addressing the topic of weight loss and IBD patients. The doctor wrote that there is no reason for IBD patients to avoid spicy foods because many people with IBD are underweight, particularly when they have been ill, and fat is an excellent source of energy. So the doctor said that to keep weight on the patients, they should eat extra amounts of fatty foods.”
The doctor says that people who are underweight can’t afford to cut back on the number of calories they eat, so they should eat even if they don’t have an appetite — that it’s okay. He even suggested the patient with IBD eat fried foods because they taste better, so the person will eat more, and that spices also need to be added to make the food more appealing. According to this doctor spices improve taste, which helps to increase food intake and eating fried foods will help the person compensate for the weight loss.
The doctor, in a confusing statement, writes that he doesn’t suggest eating a high fat diet because it may increase the risk of heart disease, but in trying to regain weight, it is generally harmless to eat an increased amount of fat.
Then to top it off, he says when he has a patient who is having trouble gaining weight after an IBD flare-up, he often suggests high fat, high energy foods such as bacon and eggs, potato chips and various fried foods.
If anyone with some natural nutritional knowledge were to think about what this doctor is saying, this advice would be found very dangerous, even crazy, and certainly confusing. A diet like that is what got people sick in the first place.
If you have all the answers and the cure for IBD and are so sure of them, why won’t medical doctors listen to you?
For one, they won’t listen to me because I don’t have the schooling to be a doctor. I’m just an average guy, and what doctor is going to listen to a person who didn’t go to school to learn to be a doctor? Some doctors have the best intentions and want to find the right answers. There are a good number of doctors out there who have found nature’s cure and apply it.
Many doctors are looking for what is best for the patient, but they just haven’t been exposed to the overwhelming information supporting successful natural healing. I’m sure if they had been, most of them wouldn’t argue with nature’s cure and would incorporate it into their practice.
Unfortunately, there are many doctors who have different motives. Remember: doctors get paid a lot of money when people are sick. The sicker people are, the more money they make. Doctors in the United States do not get paid to keep people healthy. The status quo of sickness is better for their pocketbooks because if they knew how to keep people healthy, who would make appointments to see them?
When will the medical community wake to the truth about IBD and all diseases?
Unless they can find a way to make money through keeping people healthy, don’t expect the way doctors treat their patients to change anytime soon. The way it is now, doctors would lose a lot of money if people ate healthier foods and consequently became healthier. Once again, this is not the agenda of all doctors, and many doctors justify their practice by the money they get paid. They are well worth it. But for most doctors, this is not the case. If it were, they wouldn’t be looking for so many answers, they would have them and be using them.