Abdominal pain and cramping are two of the many Crohn’s disease symptoms.
These Crohn’s disease symptoms, which range from mild to severe and vary widely from person to person may also include:
Frequent diarrhea
Rectal bleeding
Feeling of need to move bowels
Crohn’s disease symptoms may vary over time and from person to person depending on what part of the gastrointestinal tract is inflamed.
The most common form of Crohn’s affects the ileum and the beginning of the colon. Symptoms may include diarrhea, cramping, or abdominal pain. Or if inflammation occurs in the stomach and the first part of the small intestine, loss of appetite, weight loss, and nausea may occur.
Crohn’s disease symptoms may come on suddenly—and without warning.
Crohn’s disease is unpredictable. Just when you think you understand your symptoms, they may change in severity, or change altogether.
You may also go through periods of remission with few or no symptoms. Then suddenly, you may have periods of flare-ups with symptoms such as persistent diarrhea, fatigue, or fever. Studies show people with active Luminal Crohn’s disease, a type of Crohn’s causing inflammation in the tube of the intestine, have a 70% chance of recurrent symptomatic flare during the next year.
Inflammation can lead to Crohn’s disease flare-ups.
Painful flare-ups occur when the lining of your intestines swells and thickens, obstructing normal movement through your digestive tract.
Potential complications may occur with Crohn’s disease.
Along with painful symptoms, Crohn’s disease can lead to complications, including obstruction of the intestines, and the formation of scar tissue.
Other potential complications of Crohn’s include the formation of fissures (small cuts or tears in the anal canal, which may bleed), abscesses (localized infection or collection of pus), and fistulas (abnormal tunnels that form between two structures of the body).
Or you may experience other symptoms, including: